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Wandering Through The Internet.
What Could I get Lost Thinking About For Hours...
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about romanticizing mundane life and how doing so opens us up to such joy. Mundane is often synonyms with boring, but it's the mundane that makes us vulnerable and opens us up to an extensive capacity for wonder. Finding childlike joy in the little things is strikingly difficult, but if we could all find a way to open up to this notion, I believe that the hard times wouldn't be so bad, and the good would be monumental. Especially right now, during the lockdown. The news is scary, as is simply going to work or to get groceries. So, in retrospect, we have all been forced (to a degree) to find the good in the little things because what else can we do. We are required to live our lives as fully as we can, and if that means
simply finding bliss in a cup of tea, then so be it.

Link to: The Anthropocene Reviewed- capacity for wonder and sunsets
The Idea of finding the beauty in mundanity is used immensely and repeatedly in literature and photography but how could I bring this notion to life with other mediums?
Link to-
How To See Beauty In The Mundane by William Douglas Horden
We think of wisdom as something belonging to the learned and elderly, yet wise women and men have always exemplified a childlike curiosity, enthusiasm and wonder that seems both charmingly innocent and a bit out of place. A bit irritating, even. As if they are not taking our everyday concerns seriously.

Maybe with sound art or the use of smell in a gallery space?
Or something instructional like Yoko Onos 'Grapefruit'.